Archives: Schools

GCF Schools

Josefa Ortiz de Dominguez Primary School

Located in a remote village in Sinaloa Mexico, approximately 100 Mayo Indian students ages 6 – 12 years attend 1st thru 6th grade at the Josefa Ortiz de Dominguez Primary School. The school’s bathrooms were very old and in disrepair when Grand Circle first came here. Funds from the foundation helped build 4 new bathrooms… Read more »

Tin Keo School

Tin Keo school has been supported by Grand Circle Foundation since 2012. The school has grown in that time and with the foundation’s support, now has electricity, a computer room and library.  We also renovated the classrooms with new paint, ceilings, fans and a building roof and purchased new desks, chairs and blackboards. An equally… Read more »

Nonsaath Primary School

18 children between 5-8 years old are educated by one teacher in one room at the Nonsaath Primary School. The students are from 46 local families, 250 people from 3 main ethnic groups. The first project Grand Circle Foundation funded was the construction of toilets, as part of our WASH (Water, and Sanitation, Hygiene) initiative… Read more »

Ngamo Secondary School

Grand Circle Foundation funded the construction of 2 classrooms to create the Ngamo Secondary School. For children finishing at Ngamo Primary School the only possibility to continue on to secondary was too far to be an option.  For 23 students secondary school became a reality. Clean fresh running water is an absolute luxury in the… Read more »

Lemong’o Primary School

The Lemong’o Primary School was started in 1991 under a tree and the school buildings were not completed until 2013. When Grand Circle Foundation began supporting the school in 2014, the school was in desperate need for all the basics to provide an education. Typically the school receives about $195 annually from the government to… Read more »

Ngamo Primary School

There is no escaping the hardships that school children in remote rural areas of Africa must endure but in spite of these hardships, a boundless school spirit burns brightly, and enthusiasm rings louder than the steel gong that brings an end to the day. Ngamo Primary School, founded in 1946 by the Methodist Church and… Read more »

Amboseli Masaai Boma Village

Masaai are among the best known local populations in Kenya due to their residence near Amboseli National Park,  and their distinctive customs and dress. The Kenyan government instituted programs to encourage the Maasai to abandon their traditional semi-nomadic lifestyle, but the people have continued their age-old customs. Grand Circle Foundation has supported this tribe by funding water… Read more »

Amboseli Primary School

We’ve seen Amboseli Primary School flourish since we began our partnership. In 2010, it was a low performing school, ranked #67 of 90 schools in theregion. By 2017, it ranked #3, and continues to be a top-performing school. In the years we’ve been working with Amboseli, we’ve completed several projects that not only improved school performance,… Read more »

Amboseli Lewis Secondary School

Having invested so much in the primary education of these students, Harriet Lewis wanted them all to have the opportunity to continue their schooling. Yet the nearest secondary school to Amboseli is 12 miles away–which is simply too far for many students. To place continued education within every student’s reach, Grand Circle Foundation built a… Read more »

Oficial Parvulos Santa Catarina School

This small school needed a lot of support to provide even the basics required for a decent education. Grand Circle Foundation built 4 bathrooms; provided library supplies; and kitchenware and dining materials. Our final project was to provide computers and computer workstations, teacher and student desks and chairs, whiteboards, lockers, and educational supplies.