Generous Donors


We are honored—and humbled—that visits to schools and villages supported by Grand Circle Foundation so often inspire our travelers to want to give back.  Approximately 10,000 people donate to Grand Circle Foundation annually, with donations ranging from $5 to a bequest of $500,000.

100% of all donations are returned to our partner sites, and are 100% tax deductible.

Below is a list some of our most generous donors and how they are helping us fulfill our vision to make the world a better place.

Harris & Jan Abbott
Jacqueline Abreo
Barbara Adams
Dan & Becky Akin
Bill Allan
Dennis & Linda Allen
James & Jean Allen
Michael & Melanie Andersen
Duane & Harriet Anderson
Nancy Armatas & Michael Koenigsknecht
David & Deborah Ast
Mr. & Mrs. William Y. Atkinson IV
Pam Barkas & Jim Wigton
Barbara & Charlie Bartz
Rose Bastone-Thomas & Richard Thomas
Mary M. Beaumont
Carol & Danny Benson
Anne Marie Benfatto & Carole Gilbert
Geneva Blankenbaker
Dr. Zev Bogan
Estate of John & Evangelyn Boice
Nancy & Dave Borghesi
Lloyd & Donna Bowden
Larry & Lindsey Bowman
Lawrence & Ann Boyle
Constance Brune
George & Patricia Burman
John & Chris Burt
Anne Marie van Buskirk
Bob & Pam Caine
Estate of Arnold Campbell
Robert Caplan
Annette Cardadeiro
Paul & Gail Caslavka
Leslie Chapman
Gene Child
Dean & Judy Christensen
Karen Clanahan
Dennis Clark & Nancy Scaggs
William & Romaine Conner
Estate of Carol D. Cooper
Denise Cooper
Ann M. Coyne
William & Barbara Dahl
Lorraine Dangelo
Dominick & Carolyn Darkangelo
John del Campo & Teresa Whiting
Estate of Edith del Junco
Terrence & Nancy Dignan
Elizabeth Di Regolo
Phyllis Dixon
Christine Dobrushin
Michelle Dostal
Steven & Beverly Dougherty
Jacqueline Ehle
Mary & Don Ellingsen
Clyde & Mila Emerson
Sue English
Jean W. Faddis
Laurie & David Farrell
Merry & Joseph Feagins
Stephanie & Gary Fein
The Paul & Jordan Fields Family
Gail Fliesbach
Ronald & Sylvia Ford
Linda Forsee
Lila Foster
Jeanette & Gary Frank
Ted & Gail Frapolli
Staci Fromwiller
Elizabeth Frost
Michael & Yvonne Fuchs
James & Kyle Galbraith
Eve Garriott
Robert & Julie Girsch
Ann Carol & Paul S. Goldberg
Dr. Fred Goldner
Estate of Jeanette Goldstein
Edward & LeeAnn Gottfried
Charlotte Green
Linda Grisham
Wayne & Mary Grunewald
Ken & Barbara Hand
Nancy Hartmann
John & Nora Heaton
Gail Heppell
Lynda Hersey
Julie & George Hibben
Rick & Diane Hickman
Marilyn Hicks
Georgia Hill
Fumiko Hoeft
Lisa Holley
Ruth Horne
Sandra Houck
Naomi & Mark Hughes
David Ihle
Elaine Ingulli & Brian Ackerman
Jamie Lynne Irvin
Nancy & Terry Italia
Lynn Jaenke
Ken & Rebecca Johnson
Richard & Jeanne Johnson
Sandy & Chris Johnson
Winton & Maureen Jondahl
Mary Alexander Jones
Barbara Jordan
Hans Jorgensen & Jacqueline Rogers
William & Penelope Keadey
Kathy Kerdus
Robert “Bob” Kimsey & Patty Price
K. Bryce Kinsey
Prof. Thomas Klein
Janet Koby

Larry & Patricia Koch
Rodger Kollmorgen
Helen Krysak
John Kunkel & Anna Swenson
Ruth Kupfer
James Laird
Carol A. Larson
Dennise Larson
Dennis & Patricia Leifheit
John & Pat Lickly
Richard & Sharon Linden
Jeannie Ling/The Cheng Family Foundation
Sandy Lopez
Marilyn Luebbing
Linda MacLachlan
Kenneth Magnuson
Neal Mahoney
Paul & Diane Malinski
Robert & Sylvia Mapel
Patty & Bill Mark
Randall & Yolanda Marsh
Marston Family
Ted Martens
Jay Massirman
Lutheran Church of the Master
Dr. Sandra F. Mather
Harris Matthews Charitable Foundation
Kathleen McAuliffe
Dave & Diane McGovern
Kathleen A. McGuire
Pam McKinney & Tom Byrne
Bruce & Eleanor McLear
Sue Mellow
Margaret Merhoff
Sunny Mills
Joseph Mitchell & Larry Rushing
Frederick & Isabell Morris
Dottie Moura
Richard & Nancy Mueller
Allyn Mulligan
Russ & Gail Nehrig
Julie Neyhart
Edward & Verna Nygard
Kathleen Ode
Merle Orozco
Juliana Osinchuk
Christine Ottosen
Chris & Mark Owings
Roy Parsons
Dahyabhai Patel
Annabell Patterson
Maria & Frank Pecenco
Andrew & Donna Perrone
Eugene & Georgiann Pharis
Margaret & Gene Pokorny
John Potts & Cheryl Luce
Dr. Robert & Mary Powell
Bill Powney
Tim Raab
C.M. Ransom
Estate of Richard Ratto
Ali Mae Regan Memorial Fund
Jan Rimerman & Dave Haslett
Betty Rinehart
Jeff W. Roberg, DVM & Ann E. Roberg
Aileen Robertson
Dr. Constance H. Rose
Carol Roscher
Gresham & Ruth Roskamp
Bob & Nancy Ross
Charles & Linda Roth
Philip & Gilda SanFilippo
Herve & Jennifer Sarteau
Gloria Schumacher
Ron Schwarcz & Leslie Harris
Donald & Barbara Selinger
Neil & Robyn Siegel
Estate of Janice Soeder
Dr. Lewis & Marcia Songer
Friends of Noah Sorenson & Mario Zeolla Foundation
Alice Stoll
Estate of Janet Stollenmaier
Richard & Jackie Sunamoto
Marilea Swenson
Marie Talian
Kristina Tester
Estate of Hugh Thurnauer
Judith Tornese & Jerry Winters
The Tov Foundation
Marcia Utela
Gordon & Lois Valentine
Craig W
Estate of Ronald Wade
Robert & Linda Watson
Harvey & Carolyn Weese
Neva Wenzel
James & Emajean Westphal
Pat & Monty Westphal
Patti Wheeler
Daniel White
Fred Williams
Janet Williams
Richard & Cheryl Williams
Thomas Wilson
John & Ann Womeldorf
Michael & Beth Ann Woods
David & Judith Wright
Nancy C. Wright
John & Lorna Zalaha
Estate of Nancy Zang
Peter & Marilyn Zutty