This school of 200 students is located in the Urubamba area of Peru, known as the Sacred Valley.

To help reduce the drop out rate due to inadequate conditions, Grand Circle Foundation funded the construction of new toilets and hand washing stations at the Pucruto school.  We’ve also renovated the kitchen, a classroom and the library.  We purchased new desks and chairs for the library to encourage the students to read by creating a comfortable environment.

To broaden their reach we created a digital classroom with a projector and whiteboards and a computer lab.


To address the malnutrition concerns at this school and it’s community, we constructed a greenhouse.  This provides a hands on, experiential learning experience for the students and as an added benefit will supplement the fresh vegetables available to the school for the children’s consumption.

To continue this interest in fostering good health, we constructed a playground to encourage the children in the benefits of physical education and development of motor skills through play.