Magical Land – Child Protection and Development Center
Total donations: $5,791 | Partnership: 2022
Founded in 2013 by Ganjavkhlan Chadraabal, “Magical Land” as it is known, was created to raise awareness about Human Trafficking.
To that end they concentrate on 3 areas of operation:
Human trafficking: Raising awareness about human trafficking and organizing preventative workshops;
Domestic abuse: Providing training and running campaigns against domestic abuse for women and children;
Children’s right protection: Protecting children against violence and abuse.
It is located in the Uliastai region, on the outskirts of Ulaanbaatar, it is one of the biggest Ger district areas in Ulaanbaatar. The residents who are living in Ger districts have difficult access to water, sanitation and basic infrastructure. Due to these challenges , some places are considered as slum areas with high crime rate.
The Child Protection and Development Center opened in April 2020, providing a library and free kindergarten classes for children in this most polluted and highest crime rate districts of the city.
The center has created a healthy and inspiring environment for children struggling in this challenging environment.
GCF hopes to support the center by collaborating on educational and entrepreneurial projects for the women who have been victims of domestic violence, but our first project focused on establishing a fully equipped science classroom so that the children in the community would have access to learn chemistry, physical science and geography.
GCF proudly supported the renovation of a science classroom last year. The community where the center is located has only one public school which did not have a designated lab space for science classes. With the renovation of the classroom at the Magical Land center, 3200 children will now have everything they need for biology, chemistry, geography, astronomy and the physical sciences.