Aye Yeik Mon orphange – Myanmar
Since the military took over the power in Burma from Feb 01, 2021.The situation in the country is getting worse and facing with a civil war. There are many protects in over the country, some of them became violence and caused many people died by military government.
The civil war is starting happened at the rural mountain and border area.
Life is getting harder, more and more poor people have lost their jobs and are unable to afford food. Many people are facing hunger in the country now, especially Aye Yeik Mon girl orphanage. Aye Yeik Mon literally means the holy shelter which has been serving as a girls’ orphanage for more than half of a century in Mandalay. The shelter has been take care of big numbers orphan girls and help to change their better future.
In this crisis with over hundred children are facing hunger. We start the project support for basic needs as of foods supply and survival things for them in 6 months.
We cannot forget the feeling how happy from the head nun and all volunteer teachers when we informed them about this project. They said: ”This is the blessing in such kind of harder situation and very appreciated all very meaningful support from OAT & GCF to help the orphanage survive ’.
The head nun said : “ She is very worry about the future and how they can survive and overcome this hard situation. She could not sleep for many nights. Thanks for this timely support and saving their lives”.
The process of delivery is not easy from the strictly regulations from Military government but nothing can stop us to do our best to change people lives and finally we did it. All the food and basic need had arrived to the orphanage with a big support from our Burma team, especially SweSwe (OAT coordinator in Burma).
We all felt very happy and heart touching about this meaningful project to the local in this September.
Once again, thank you very much for timely support from GCF and your prompt follow up to make this project happened.
We are very proud and honored to be part of Grand Circle Foundation. We help changing lives to make this world becomes more happy and better.