World Water Day 2024
“Water is the driving force of all nature.” – Leonardo da Vinci
World Water Day – held on March 22nd since 1993, is an annual UN Observance focusing on the importance of freshwater. In 2015 GCF created the WASH (WAter, Sanitation, Hygiene) initiative to ensure that our schools have access to water and toilets. Since then, 97% of our schools now do so. This year, after seeing the commitment GCF has made to the Amboseli community, the Kenyan government stepped in and dug a borehole at the Amboseli Lewis Secondary School, a school we built with your assistance in 2016, and that has continued to grow year over year.
And across the border in Tanzania, Njia Panda Primary School is “harvesting” rain water with new gutters and storage tanks.