Spring is sprung – Happy Earth Day 2024
“ Behold, my friends, the spring is come; the earth has gladly received the embraces of the sun, and we shall soon see the results of their love.”— Sitting Bull
As we steadily march into Spring, the garden at Tloma Primary School in Tanzania has been so successful that not only do the children get fruit every day, but baby banana trees are being given to every family in the Tloma community. To assist in the continued success of this endeavor, we funded the installation of a drip irrigation system, to allow the plants to thrive but conserve water usage.
And across the border in Kenya, the Lemong’o Primary School is also having great success with their garden. However, they are now competing with the baboons for the fruits of their labor.
Below, the children at the Ayalabe Primary School in Tanzania, harvesting a bounty of guava fruit to be added for lunch.