An update on support for Ukrainian refugees – Father’s Day
Kadir Tasdelen provides an update on refugee relief efforts in Poland.
“No one would be foolish enough to choose war over peace.
In peace, sons bury their fathers. But in war, fathers bury their sons.”
~ Croesus, last King of Lydia, 546bc
You can help us provide direct support to Ukrainian refugees by donating here.
Dear friend,
This Father’s Day, I keep thinking of all the dads in Ukraine whose lives have been upended by this war. All the fathers who have buried sons who were killed defending their homeland. All the fathers who said good bye to parents, wives and children at the border crossings, not knowing when they would see them again. And the fathers who remain in Ukraine with their families, questioning if they are making the right decision to stay, and wondering how long this craziness will last and how they will provide for their families.
Our giving has been concentrated on primarily supporting the women, children, and elderly who have been displaced, but we have also supported the men who stayed behind. We have provided 8,500 water filters in partnership with Wine to Water, as well as food and medical supplies to a camp inside Ukraine, where men rest after leaving their families at the border. With your generous support, we also are providing food and hygiene supplies every week to families in the Dnipro region.
Please consider making an additional donation. Every donation, no matter the amount will help, and you can be assured that 100% of every dollar will be used to support our partners in Poland, Romaina and Ukraine. Stefan and Kadir are working diligently to ensure that every dollar donated is used wisely and has the most impact.
I will continue to share weekly updates on the communities, organizations and people Grand Circle Foundation is supporting, and the impact of your donations. Thank you again for your support and trust. Previous updates can be found here.
Peace and love,
Harriet Lewis

4 year old Amalia shares her thanks in the drawing above. The GCF logo, along with the flags of Ukraine and Poland, made us smile.
Kadir chats with a representative from the Lena Grochowska Foundation.